St Regis Falls Adult Center
26 N River Rd St Regis Falls NY 12980
(518) 856-9861 P (518) 856-9479 F
Barbie Fitzgerald -Director

The St. Regis Falls Adult Center has many diversified activities, events, programs and services for older adults, 60 years and above.
The purpose of the Adult Center is to reaffirm the dignity and value of the older adults in the community by providing the opportunity to
participate in a wide variety of activities, share talents and experiences and to socialize with
one’s peers. Furthermore, it is of the utmost importance for the existence of such Centers to promote an appropriate level of independence, yet to prevent isolation, loneliness and a lack of purpose.
Ultimately, we strive to respond to the growing and changing needs of the Senior population.
The Adult Center also offers the perfect place for your next Wedding, Reception, Birthday Party or Special Event. There is a capacity for 200 people.
Kitchen, refrigerator and freezer are available for use.
Your guests will enjoy the beautiful building, with a screened in porch and the breathtaking view of the St. Regis River and Adirondack Mountains.
The St. Regis Falls Adult Center has started serving Grab & Go Meals in addition to their Congregataed Meals, Monday through Friday.
These meals are available to anyone in the community
Suggested donation for a senior is $2.00, but not mandatory. Cost for a caregiver under age 60 is $6.75 and is mandatory
Reservations are required by 9 a.m. of the day you wish to order your meal and picked up between 11:30 a.m. and Noon.
Weekly menus are published on the Adult Centers Facebook page and the St. Regis Falls Post Facebook page evey weekend for the following week.
Call (518) 856-9861 to reserve your pickup meal by 9 a.m.
We provide activities for Seniors to visit with, or make, new friends in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Daily programming includes education, recreation, social and personal growth opportunities for seniors age 60 and older. Balancing out the opportunities of personal growth are a multitude of options for fun and friendship. Including daily lunches, games, activities and special events.
Each day we serve a fresh cooked, nutritious meal at the Center for our Congregate Meal Program. We also deliver these meals to the homebound through our Meals on Wheels Program.
Healthy, nutritious, balanced meals are served to seniors Monday through Friday at noon. Reservations are requested the day before. If a reservation is not made, you will still be able to get a meal, however it may not be the meal prepared for that day.
A voluntary donation of $2 is recommended for adults 60 and older. For those under 60, a mandatory charge of $6.75 is required. All contributions are used to offset meal cost.
Please call Barbie Fitzgerald at (518) 856-9861 to make a reservation.
Healthy, nutritious, balanced meals are delivered to homes, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for adults 60 or older who are homebound or frail and cannot get out or prepare meals for themselves, or those who are disabled. Service can be on a long-term or short-term basis.
A voluntary donation of $2 per meal is recommended but not required.
Please call Barbie Fitzgerald at (518) 856-9861 to register for the meals on wheels program.
The Adult Center provides a place for socialization, recreation, education and health-related activities. The Center’s Director is available to provide information and assistance on various issues that affect the elderly either through self-help, educational programs and assistance programs.The Director can help with forms or applications for benefit programs, arrange services or make referrals to other agencies who offer programs for the elderly.Please call Barbie Fitzgerald at (518) 856-9861 or stop by the Adult Center at 26 North River Road for more information.
Meals in congregate setting
Meals on Wheels program
Grab & Go meals
Assistance with benefit applications
Coffee Club M–F 6:00 to 9:00 am
Connections to Services available to Seniors throughout Franklin County
Consumer and Nutrition education
Daily card games
Food Bingo every other month
Monthly outings
Wellness room with work out equipment.
Volunteers play a vital role in their community by contributing their talents and experience. The Adult Center is always looking for volunteers to be on their Board of Directors, to present programs to fellow seniors on an array of topics and to deliver Meals on Wheels. The Waverly Reading Center and the Waverly Food Pantry are two additional places that rely on volunteers.If you would like to volunteer or have a suggested topic that you would like to present, please call Barbie Fitzgerald at (518) 856-9861.
Meals on Wheels provides nutritious meals, a quick safety check and a much-needed human connection to homebound seniors.
When you volunteer to deliver these meals, you will pick up them up at the St. Regis Falls Adult Center and deliver them to our elderly clients along one of two routes:
Route 1 covers clients within the town of Waverly and/or Santa Clara, and typically takes about an hour to complete.
Route 2 covers clients in the other surrounding towns and typically takes 2 hours to complete.
When you volunteer to be a driver, you not only deliver a nutritious meal to our clients, but you also “check-in” to make sure they are okay through a friendly greeting or brief conversation. You are not expected to stay with the client for the meal.
You can volunteer based on your timeline: once or twice a week, once or twice a month or as emergency backup.
The Adult Center has a van that you can use for your route or you can use your own vehicle with the option to turn in a mileage statement for reimbursement.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer driver, please call Barbie Fitzgerald at (518) 856-9861
or stop by the Center, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. for more information.
The Adult Center serves a nutritious, balanced, full course meal, Monday – Friday at noon. All meals meet 1/3 of the recommended daily allowance. The goals of the nutrition program for active adults are to provide well–balanced meals, foster social interaction and to provide access to other supportive services for local Seniors 60 and above.
Age 60+: Suggested Donation $2.00
Under 60: Mandatory Charge $6.75
Reservations are required by 10 a.m. the day ofbyour visit by calling the Center at 518-856-9861.
To join in all one has to do is be present. Stop in once in a while or visit every day. We encourage interested individuals to visit the Center after the first of the month for a new calendar of events.
We are happy to put together a “welcome” packetof current information to introduce the Adult Center to those who may be shy or skeptical.
Once a year, when funds are available, the Senior Farmers’ Market Program (SFMNP) give eligible, low-income older adults 60 or older, coupons to help buy locally-grown fruits and vegetables at participating farmer’s markets in New York State. Monetary coupons are available in July and may be used through November. They are given out on a first-come, first-served basis.For the 2022 season, $25 in monetary coupons were given out to local adults.Please call Barbie Fitzgerald at (518) 856-9861 for more information or watch our Facebook page for upcoming year’s availability.NOTE: Did you know that many farmers markets will accept SNAP benefits?
The Adult Center not only provides nutritious balanced meals to seniors and general assistance, but also has a fitness center in the basement that is open to all members.
Nutrition and exercise are important for the elderly? It can give you energy and help control your weight. Eating the proper nutritious balanced meal can help prevent some diseases and make sure that you are not getting too much folate or sodium in your meals. A moderate exercise routine will help keep your bones strong, muscles flexible and help maintain balance.
The Center will be striving to offer workshops and/or provide information on nutrition and healthy life style guidance in the future.
Please call Barbie Fitzgerald at (518) 856-9861 or stop by the Adult Center at 26 North River Road for more information.
Seniors often have difficulty finding information on programs for the elderly, such as:
Adult Day Care
Caregiver Programs
Elder Abuse Prevention
Financial Assistance
Home Health Services
Home Repair or Modification
Legal Assistance
Long-term Care Programs
Home Health Services.
Home Repair or Modification.
Legal Assistance.
Long-Term Care Programs.
The Center will work toward providing information or referring to a source that will be able to assist you.
Please call Barbie Fitzgerald at (518) 856-9861 or stop by the Adult Center at 26 North River Road for more information.
An outreach program aims to help, uplift, and support those who are deprived of certain services and rights. It involves giving learning, social planning, health support, and other projects for their welfare. Programs must be organized to use resources and aid to fulfill these goals.
The Adult Center currently offers outreach activities including informational lectures and workshops, crafts and field trips.
Please call Barbie Fitzgerald at (518) 856-9861 or stop by the Adult Center at 26 North River Road for more information.
Some local Offices for the Aging and Senior Centers offer transportation to doctor appointments, nutrition sites, shopping or other vital destinations. Contact your local Office for the Aging or Senior Center to find out what may be available in your area.
Please call Barbie Fitzgerald at (518) 856-9861 or stop by the Adult Center at 26 North River Road for more information.
The Adult Center provides a place for meals, socialization, recreation, education and health-related activities.
Community Dining/Congregate Meal Program
Home Delivered Meals/Meals on Wheels Program
Senior Center
Volunteer Opportunities
Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Health Promotion Services
Information Retrieval and Referral
Please call Barbie Fitzgerald at (518) 856-9861 or stop by the Adult Center at 26 N River Rd St Regis Falls NY 12980